May the reader forgive me for the almost automatic translation, but the level of my knowledge of English does not allow me to do without it.
"On the first waters He placed His two feet. To the beings of this world He offered the air of the world. He made the sky powerful and constantly moving, He wanted the earth to obey His laws and spread over it a vault similar to a blue tent without ropes or stakes. In six days and two letters among all sacred He kneaded the nine heavens with the seven planets. As He would have thrown a thousand risky dice on the table of nights, from His golden goblet rolled a thousand stars."
La conférence des oiseaux, Farîd-ud-dîn'Attâr, adaptation de Henri Gouguaud
Now that I had, it seemed to me, conquered the supposed immobility of matter, solicited the senses while calling to surpass them, this is what I was ready for… but everyone knows in their own way that it is more difficult to do than to say it… Yet it also seemed to me that, on the other hand, the one where the immense, mysterious, obscure, unknown and secret disposition of the mind literally takes form, none of this was foreign to me.
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