vendredi 11 octobre 2024


This is how the many adventures that follow one another lead Pinocchio the Other and the voice that constantly follows him and speaks in his place, with whom he tries to dialogue without it paying him any attention, to no longer dare to believe the obvious.

– What is real? Is it the visible, an eloquent palimpsest, or is it the invisible, that which can never be covered?
– Is it the dream?
– Is it the evidence of the puppet play operated by the puppeteer?
– Are they the marks of some on others?
Pinocchio the Other plays at the fact that there is no longer a border between the imaginary and reality, between the real and its shadows which would be the truth.
– Feeling exists only in the form of the dynamism by which the living overcomes this limit…
– The real is a totality which constitutes itself in and as its own limitation.
They speak to each other as if they were one and the same person…
Each adventure of Pinocchio, as for Don Carrot, marks a limitation of the totality to which it refers, insofar as he surpasses it towards another experience. They would like to exceed each experience.
– Such is the philosophical life:
Wandering from one experience to another, passing from one question to another.

– Come quickly, Daemon, and look carefully at what you are going to see, because you will not believe it

Returning from the unheard and never seen depths of the red cave, he struggles to remember. He has barely come out when a slow and progressive melancholy spreads in him… He forgets…
– I do not know where I come from… my memory is like an hourglass that is emptying…

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